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⏰ What is the deadline for validating your file?
⏰ What is the deadline for validating your file?

Find out the deadlines to validate your file !

Emma Gaucher avatar
Written by Emma Gaucher
Updated over a week ago

This article is for you if you want to know the deadlines to validate your file!

When your file is complete, our team verifies your documents, which usually takes 48 hours. Then, the documents are sent to our banking partner who validates them within 72 hours.

These deadlines may be extended in the following cases:

  • If your identity document is incorrect, blurry or illegible.

  • If your proof of address is not supported (mobile bill for example), does not correspond to your personal address or is not your full name (first and last name).

In all cases, we do our best to support you as much as possible and help you validate your file as quickly as possible !

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