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⏰ When will my refund request be validated?
⏰ When will my refund request be validated?

Find out how long it will take to validate your claim!

Emma Gaucher avatar
Written by Emma Gaucher
Updated over a week ago

That's it, you've just submitted your subsidy application and you're asking when it will be validated. You should know that validation is manual. Each receipt and each amount is checked to verify its authenticity and truthfulness.

Please note that when your claim is validated (or refused), its status is automatically updated on Leeto.

  • If your subsidy is managed by Leeto

Leeto takes care of everything! Your request for reimbursement is validated by our teams within 48 hours.

  • If your subsidy is managed by your CSE or your company

Your company takes care of the validation of your claim. The time required to validate a claim can vary from one company to another. If you would like to know how long it takes to validate your claim for reimbursement, please contact the team (CSE or human resources) in charge of your benefit. If you do not have the contact, please do not hesitate to ask us.

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